Behi's Research Incubator for Systemic and Cultural Psychology
Behi’s Research Incubator for Systemic and Cultural Psychology, a dedicated platform focused on exploring and advancing the psychological and noetic understanding of Iranian and Islamic cultures. Our mission is to foster innovative research and dialogue that bridge cultural insights with modern psychological practices.
We are also committed to the development of the Behi approach, as an integrative, nondual model of care that harmonizes traditional wisdom with contemporary psychosomatics. By nurturing a deeper understanding of cultural contexts and individual experiences, we aim to create holistic and inclusive frameworks for psychosomatic well-being.
Join us in our endeavor to cultivate knowledge, inspire collaboration, and promote a nuanced approach to psychological care that honors the rich heritage and unique perspectives of Iranian and Islamic cultures.
International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture
The IJBMC team is primarily based in Germany (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Department of Psychosomatic Medicine) and Canada (Behi Academy), with additional international editors hailing from diverse countries.
Share your valuable research insights in the form of essays, videos, or podcasts. Earn recognition and points for your contributions, especially if they are published in the prestigious International Journal of Body, Mind, and Culture.
Biosemiotic medicine
Biosemiotic medicine suggests that a metalanguage for the physical, mental, social, and cultural aspects of health and medicine could unify all parts of human life, presenting a holistic view of the human being. This approach integrates diverse scientific and technological perspectives in medical discourse.
This model of psychosomatic health employs a biosemiotics clinical model, similar to the ancient alchemical principle “tam ethice quam physice,” where everything is both physical and mental. It examines signs in the forms of vibrations, molecules, cells, words, images, reflections, and rituals, which shape cultural, mental, physical, and social phenomena.
By decoding healing and addressing health, illness, and therapy, biosemiotic medicine emphasizes both first-person experiences and objective events. It guides readers to follow the energy-information flows through and between embodied minds, illustrating how these flows create physiological functions such as emotions and narratives.
Explore the impacts of this novel and integral model of care through the following links:

- National Library of Medicine
- Biosemiotic Medicine-Healing in the World of Meaning
- American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
- Biosemiotics From Wikipedia
- Placebo From Wikipedia
- List ItemBody, Meaning, and Time: Healing Response as a Transtemporal and Multimodal Meaning-Making Process
- Nocebo in Wikipedia
- Psychosomatic medicine in Wikipedia
- Biosemiotic medicine: From an effect-based medicine to a process-based medicine (PDF)
- Biosemiotic Medicine: Healing in the World of Meaning (PDF)